
Members have access to the membership list, reduced the entrance to events & trade fairs, advertising & editorial space in the newsletters and the services of Di Irish, who runs the office and promotes members wherever possible. Members are also kept up to date with happenings in the industry.

As a member of the Cape Green Forum you:

  • Are promoted within the Cape Green Forum network
  • Are part of a special group of people and companies that support, network and assist each other
  • Are first in line to receive regular up to date information about happenings in the industry
  • Have access to events & newsletters targeting the green industry and allies in the Cape
  • Have access to many networking opportunities, particularly first option on bookings for Cape Green Trade Days
  • Have access to cost effective advertising channels that will connect directly with your target market
  • Are indirectly a member of SAGIC (South African Green Industries Council) who represents the industry at government level and with research, training and invasive species control
  • Are part of a group that promotes the green industry in the Cape

We are stronger together than we are alone

The 2024 membership fees remain really affordable, they are R755 per individual and R2650 per company, per year. Company membership was introduced for bigger companies who have a couple individuals who wish to be members. Our financial year runs from January to December.

We also have some very affordable and attractive sponsorship packages that include membership, additional discounts, 1st choice stand selection, publicity and more….


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